
Webinar Jurusan Teknik Otomotif Fakultas Teknik UNP 2022 Dengan Tema Renewable Energy Research In Automotive Engineering: Opportunities And Challenges

Jumat, 5 Agustus 2022 | 00:00 WIB Humas UNP - Siti Sarah 4398

Salam Bapak/Ibu dan para mahasiswa hebat.

Ayo bergabung dalam kegiatan Webinar Jurusan Teknik Otomotif FT – UNP 2022  dengan tema: "Renewable Energy Research in Automotive Engineering: Opportunities and Challenges". 

Waktu Pelaksanaan:

Sabtu, 6 Agustus 2022, 

08.00 – selesai.


 Offline: Ruang Oto.04, Dept. Teknik Otomotif, FT - UNP

Online: via Zoom


Dr. Eng. Rizal Mahmud, M.T. (Postdoctoral Fellow at Meiji University, Japan)

S. Dlukha Nurcholik, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D (Degree) (Doctoral Student of Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Japan)

Link Pendaftaran:

Link Zoom Webinar:

Meeting ID: 852 9995 1599

Passcode: 1234567890


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Akademik Informasi

The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”– Dr. Seuss
Author :
Humas UNP - Siti Sarah