
The 67th TEFLIN International Virtual Conference and The 9th International Conference On English Language and Teaching

Senin, 6 September 2021 | 00:00 WIB Humas UNP - Siti Sarah 1549

The 67th TEFLIN International Virtual Conference & The 9th ICOELT 2021 September 9 & 11, 2021 - Padang, Indonesia.

Participant Registration :

Information :

Nomor rekening untuk peserta TEFLIN 

ICOELT Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

CAPEM IKIP/UNP 2103.0216.20759-1



The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”– Dr. Seuss
Author :
Humas UNP - Siti Sarah